Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Advocacy: Healthy People 2010/THOMAS

Area 8-16 Objective: Reduce indoor allergen levels.

Progress Quotient Chart: No progress reported at this time

Progress Information: None

Opportunities and Challenges: According to the Healthy People Website, “No low-cost, practical methods have been available that allow homeowners to assess allergen levels in their homes. Many existing building codes were not developed with health considerations, such as allergen reduction, in mind. Newer building and ventilation practices that may significantly improve moisture control and air quality in homes, and thus impact on indoor allergen levels, have not been widely adopted. Dialog between environmental health scientists, building designers, and the building community is not generally well established. In recent years, awareness of the relationship of the built environment to the heath of occupants has increased. Greater use of building and remodeling practices to control moisture infiltration, reduce moisture buildup, and provide proper ventilation for homes may impact significantly on indoor allergen levels. For example, effective moisture control is essential for controlling both dust mites and cockroaches. Strategies to achieve this control include landscape design to provide proper drainage around the structure, proper air sealing of the building envelope combined with appropriate mechanical ventilation, use of ventilation fans in kitchens and bathrooms, installation of vapor barriers over earthen crawlspaces, and control of condensation from plumbing fixtures.

The Health House program is an example of a national education program intended to raise standards for better indoor environments. EPA is using education and nonregulatory approaches to address indoor air pollution. The HUD Healthy Homes Initiative supports activities that focus on researching and demonstrating low-cost, effective home hazard assessment and intervention methods and public education that emphasizes ways in which communities can mitigate housing-related hazards.”

Emerging Issues: Because of the rising number of deaths from asthma and allergy has provided a need for an increased awareness in producing and worsen asthma and allergy symptom. According to the Healthy People Website, “In 2000, the Institute of Medicine released Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures. This publication reviewed the evidence relating to the causation and exacerbation of asthma by indoor air exposures, including allergens from dust mites, cockroaches, dogs, and cats, as well as fungi and combustion products from gas appliances.” Overall, the study concluded that high levels of dust mite allergen can cause asthma in susceptible populations. “In addition, dust mite allergen and cockroach allergen can produce asthma attacks in persons who already have asthma.” Lastly, the EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences within NIH produce educational materials on strategies to control indoor allergens and to minimize exposure to them.

Bill Number: SF1746

Title: State air quality, hazardous waste and water quality standards analysis requirement

Sponsor: Ingebrigtsen ; Saxhaug ; Skogen ; Bakk ; Skoe

Latest Action: 3/23/09 Intro and First Reading, Referred to Environment and Natural Resources

My Political Representative:
Senator Bill G. Ingebrigtsen
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
State Office Building, Room 123
St. Paul, MN 55155-1206


  1. Hey Shar-
    Great idea for your advocacy project. I am interested to see how it all turns out. You presented your information in a very organized fashion as well. Keep up the good work!

  2. Shar

    Your layout looks SO nice :) And I love your topic because I hate indoor allergens because i have allergies! YAY!

  3. Hey Shar. You did an awesome job with this. This is a bigger topic than people think, and you did a good job with it! Have a good one


  4. Shar- Your post is really in depth..you did a good job researching your info! I would have never thought to do this topic, but it actually affects a lot of people! Good idea!

  5. Hey Shar!
    This topic really interests me and I am sure it will for everyone else because it seems like many people have some sort of allergies! Also, this topic reminds me of my photo essay and a;ll of the allergens. Good job with this blog Shar!

